
Wer, wo, was, wie?

Do, 02.03.17

Dana   |Galvanik Wahubar, Zug

Fr, 03.03.17

Indiecator Tour   |Südpol, Luzern


w/ Prince Jelleh, Space Tourists & The Konincks

Sa, 11.03.17

Indiecator Tour   |Gaswerk, Winterthur


w/ Prince Jelleh, Space Tourists & The Konincks

Sa, 18.03.17

Hong   |Piccolo Giardino, Z¨ürich


w/ Sera Landhaus

Di, 28.03.17

Dana   |Sound&Sandwich, Bern

Mo, 3.4.17

Prince Jelleh   |Rössli, Stäfa